Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yay Liberals!

It's been a tough week. Glen Beck started things out by telling people to run away from our churches because we believe in social justice. Then I read yesterday that State Board of Education representatives in Texas are rewriting history because they disagree with some of the facts in it.

Friends, there is little doubt that we live in tumultuous times. Between the Tea Party people, the Glenn Beck fans, Sarah Palin and their ilk, there are some dangerously conservative people in this country who are out to destroy the gains we've made toward a more decent (dare I say Christian?) society. 

We liberals have a lot to be proud of! It was liberals who fought to abolish slavery, liberals who brought women the vote, liberals who fought the Civil Rights movement and soon, it'll be liberals who make health care a right, not a privilege. 

And Christians have been deeply involved in every one of these liberal, social and economic justice-seeking movements. Why? Because tells us to. Jesus tells us to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, care for the sick, clothe the naked. In short, Jesus wants us to help people who are poor, weak, oppressed - people who cannot help themselves. 

Political conservatives in this country have a long history of protecting the status quo, helping the rich get richer and denying any help to those who really need it.

So let's go liberals! Yay for social and economic justice! And praise the God we know in the justice-preaching man from Nazareth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the argument about Glen Beck is silly, just turn the TV off. His messages are not worth any true liberals time. Turn the other cheek and erase him from your radar.